In every mother’s closet, nestled deep in the darkness of the back corner, lies a tub of clothes that once fit. These are what we affectionately call the “pre-baby” clothes. These clothes are the measuring stick by which new mothers will gauge their success in losing the baby-weight. There is great pride in being able to say that you are wearing your pre-baby jeans. But, truth be told, not everyone should be wearing their pre-baby jeans. Ever.
Like every other new mom, I tried on my pre-baby jeans just six weeks after my first baby was born. I had lost a ton of weight and was sure I was back to my old self. Well, let me tell you, there is nothing on this earth that was going to be able to slide my thighs into those jeans. Dejected and demoralized, I put them back in the tub and shoved the tub to the back of my closet.
Almost three years later, one year after the birth of my second son, I again pulled out that tub of clothes. What a day. Those jeans slid on. They were a little snug, sure, but they were on. Now I could join the ranks of women who were in their pre-baby jeans, right?
When I came dancing down the stairs to gloat to my husband, I did not get the reaction I was expecting. First of all, a hip mom should know that just because you can zip them up doesn’t mean they look good. They were snug. Okay, I could barely sit down. Second of all, these jeans were cool four years ago. Jean styles don’t change a lot, but they do change. A hip mom knows this.
My other great insight -- babies change women’s bodies a lot! I used to be able to shop in the juniors section, but in reality, very few moms who have had babies wear junior size anything! So I did what any hip mom would do. I went to the store. I found a great sale on some trendy, well-fitting jeans. I bought a couple of pairs in the smallest size that I have worn since the babies were born. I pulled them on, effortlessly, and looked in the mirror. I may never again have the small hips of my pre-baby self, but with my new jeans, I look pretty good. Okay, really good. And I can sit down and breath at the same time.
Use your old clothes as a guide. Let them inspire you. But let them inspire you to get in shape and accept your new hip momness! Then reward yourself with new clothes. Stay hip. Don’t let the joy of fitting into your pre-baby clothes sabotage your efforts at being the hippest, coolest mom around.